IN 26 days…

In 26 days you’ll start over with a clean slate.

In 26 days you’ll set new goals.

In 26 days you’ll be motivated to get serious about your health.

In 26 days you’ll say “New Year, New Me!”

But why wait 26 days to start?

Seriously, why?  Does the present moment not matter?

Think of how much you can get done between now and the end of the year.

What’s that Chinese Proverb again?  “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”

It’s so true, you just need to start, and you are more than capable of transforming your life TODAY!

But here’s the key… pick one goal.  One really important goal which will have a dramatic impact on the rest of your wants.

Your goal should be concise and measurable with a capacity to make you feel empowered!

We have a tendency to bite off more than we can chew.  “I’m gonna go keto and start a new fitness routine, eat 2 lbs of veggies a day, run 3 miles a day, PR my back squat, and take a trip every 3 months.”  When we want to do everything, inevitably, nothing happens, and then what?  We’re starting over, again. We have “failed” as too much of our focus was spread out thinly ending up in partial completion in all of them.

Take time to evaluate where your biggest challenges lie and improve upon that immediately.

And if that goal is improved health and fitness we got you!  We are here to help you transform your life if you let us.

Stop by or give us a call or sign up for a No Sweat Intro.  

No need to wait 26 days, the right time is NOW to start building healthy, sustainable habits for life!


Tenille’s Nutrition Success Story


Meet Kate, the Strong Firecracker