Fitness for everyone.

My passion and inspiration for creating this gym comes from a place deep within me that wants to see us return to a healthy active lifestyle that was once synonymous with our species. We are animals after all, and we were born to move and born to be healthy. I feel like we, as a society, have forgotten that and have, to an extent, lost our way. Instead, we have become sedentary and have forgotten how to move well. Babies don’t know how to squat improperly. Therefore, we have unlearned what came natural to us in infancy, which is why I am determined to provide people with a renewed appreciation for what their bodies can do. I want to build a community of people that aren’t content to just survive but to thrive and put their health first.

Healthcare starts at home and our number one defense against disease is adequate sleep, proper nutrition, movement (fitness), and stress management. I want to be people’s primary care choice. I want to provide people with the necessary tools to live pain and injury free.

Jeremy Neufeld
Owner, Head Coach